Monday, July 14, 2008

Day #14

If the number of the training day is evenly divisible by seven, then I don't run. Not that I could have run today anyways. I think I may have had a mild heat stroke yesterday. I ended up bailing out at Race St, running a bit to around Chestnut, and finally giving up and walking the last half mile home (it's very unusual for me not to be able to finish a run... the boy is stubborn.) Then I got home, ate some food, and took a two hour nap. And then ate some more. And then napped some more. I was really wiped out for 3-4 hours. The only other time I've been like that in recent memory was after Chicago last year, when I was seriously zonked out for most of the afternoon.

Anyways, yes, I did not run today. But I felt like getting outside so I went for an easy spin on the bike. Went up the river path to Sweetbriar, and up to the Concourse. Then instead of going up St George's Hill, I took Parkside and started exploring. I'm not really sure where I went after that, but I'm pretty sure I was in Haverford, I definitely crossed over Cobbs Creek a few times, and I came back from 75th all the way to 22nd on Spruce. A little over an hour, probably closer to 17 or 18 than 20. But I feel refreshed, and (unlike the hokey-pokey) that is what this workout was all about.

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