Monday, August 18, 2008


I think accidentally signed up for the Kenyan version of this training plan. Who puts a 5 miler in the normal rest day after a 70 mile week? (Conversely, what kind of person decides to ride right after a long run?) It's hard to trust the training when you think the trainer may be insane.

Actually, I felt fine today. Legs were a little heavy at the start but after the first mile, they picked up. I did my workout on the treadmill (unremarkable--progression run from 7:30 pace down to 6:40 and a .5 mi cooldown) because I'm thinking of letting my gym membership lapse (not worth it--Penn is raising prices again! It's been a glorified locker most of this year... I prefer to be outside, even in rain/snow/etc.) and because I wanted to lift a little.

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