Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Strawberry Mansion

Ran to my favorite bridge. Pretty bridge, but not a pretty run. I ate too much food about an hour before setting out, and I ran the first bit too fast (mile one = ~7:00). The stomach cramps started around mile 3 and continued in waves through mile 7, when I ducked in to Lloyd Hall to use the loo. I stopped the clock for that break, so unlike most of my times, this is not wall-clock time. 9.6mi in 1h13m = 7:40ish pace while running.

Megh. My running has no specificity right now. No real long runs, no real hard runs. Just 6-10 miles most days at middle-7 pace. I guess that's OK for building a training base, but it's about time to mix things up again.

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