Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Morning 8

Early wake, early run along W River Dr to the same spot between the Columbia and Strawberry Mansion bridges. I walked back from the Locust St CSX tracks, so call it a little under 8mi. I love morning runs. The temperature is cool, you get to watch the sun rise over the CC skyscrapers, and the rowing crews are all out, coxes squawking on their boxes. Most importantly, there is much less foot traffic on the tow path compared to the evening.

I am not sure about playing vollleyball tonight. In a moment of tequila-induced enthusiasm on Saturday night, Chris, Matt, Andre, Klara, and I all agreed to play today. Planning ahead for tonight, combined with moving Sunday's workout to Monday because of a tequila-induced headache, and re-jiggering of the workout calendar to put a lower-mileage week just before PDR, means I've run 25mi in the last 36 hours (I better finish the actual marathon in less time!) Maybe I'll just play setter tonight.

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