Sunday, August 13, 2006


We were lazy today and I'm in the hole for one long run. 
The day started out well: we went to Baltimore's fantastic farmer's market, but then I spent the afternoon sitting around the house working on a proof for my paper (which is interesting enough that we're thinking of sending it to PLAN-X, which has no proceedings, and then to PLDI later!) while Tita gardened and Ahmad cooked a Persian feast. Mass with the Jesuits at 6. Then they went to a cafe to work and I drove up to Gunpowder Falls State Park. Xtie had recommended it as the place to do long runs when we met up on Friday. It was further out Route 1 than I thought so I didn't get to the trailhead until 8.15 and the sun was setting. I got about 10 minutes into the run and realized that the sun was fading and with an wide but still trail-y trail (hopping over roots, logs, and rocks), setting out for a 2hr run by my own was probably not wise. Turn an ankle and it could easily turn into a very long night. So I turned around and sure enough, a few minutes later the sun had dipped behind the treeline and it was dark. I guess I'll set out for a few loops of Dru Hill park tomorrow early and either zap Monday's easy day or Friday's rest. Shame, because it did look like a great place to run. 

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