Monday, September 25, 2006

Long Run

The plan to wake up and do 19 was replaced with an afternoon run of 15. I don't feel like I'm at a wall training-wise, but it's just really really hard to find more than 2 hours of daylight with the semester in full swing. So this'll have to do for this week. The run today was good. It was a beautiful fall day, if a little cold for no shirt (oops). After 1:40 of keeping the pace nice and slow, I hit the 2 bridges just past US Grant and decided to go a little. I was glad to see that I had energy in my legs for those last ~2.5mi. The whole thing was just a few minutes under 2hrs.

All that said, I am a little worried because my knee has been giving me some subtle trouble ever since the Strawberry Mansion run last Tuesday. I think I went too fast on a steep downhill and may have strained it. It feels fine while I run, but as soon as I stop, I feel the stiffness. I'll have to ask Johanna--she had ITB issues after her half-marathon last fall and may know more. Or maybe it's time for new shoes? The pair I'm rotating have each seen a lot of miles since I got them in late June.

A few random tidbits:
  • As seen in Van Pelt this morning: "Classics Resource Room: This room is primarily for those using the Classics Room." In other news, tautologies are indeed true in every possible world.

  • Slate has a story on the lameness of mass-marathoning that has been getting a lot of (negative) action in the Fray.

  • Google Maps replaced their Philadelphia satellite photos with new ones! Better resolution and has the whole river path. Here's US Grant:

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