Monday, September 04, 2006

Catching up

Hamptons weekend was great. No time to write a proper blog, but to summarize: too much beer, too much sun, but lots of fun and great to catch up with Alex, Allyson, and Lisa. I did squeeze in some workouts: a 1hr run along the Dune Rd as Ernesto raged on Saturday. I don't know the distance, but the time was about right. The sections into the wind were like running up a mountain and the sections going with the wind felt like flying. It was epic. Yesterday Alex dropped me in Westhamption and I did a 53 minute loop along the ugly, busy Montauk Highway. Tonight I did 3mi easy at Pottruck. Also played a lot of football on the beach, which has my hamstrings all tight. Need to get a true long run in soon. I feel like I've fallen off this training program and time is ticking!

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