Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Long run

If I keep continue to cut my long runs short by a couple of miles, I will be in for a world of pain in November. I did 14mi out of an assigned 16... sigh. But there's a silver lining: bad news for November is good news for this weekend, and I want to enjoy the race. Last year I ran too many miles the week before, topped it off with 2hrs of volleyball on Saturday (just to make sure my legs were good and toasty), and then hosted a party at our house that kept me up past midnight. This year will be different... I've been thinking about my race plan, and trying to pretend what it will feel like during these workouts. I'm dividing it into an 8mi race followed by an 8K. If I can run even 7:00 splits through the first 8 miles, that will carry me to just past Strawberry Mansion. From there it is very familiar territory, so I should be able to turn up the pace on the bit around the Falls Bridge back to Strawberry Mansion on the Kelly Drive side, and then give it everything from Columbia-ish back to the museum.

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