Friday, July 14, 2006

Girard Ave

I like sunrises better than sunsets... I woke up at 6.13 naturally today. Woot! I'd love to wean myself off the alarm and still be getting up early. 

I took yesterday off. I got home around 6pm and was just zonked. My calves and glutes were really sore anyways from lifting two days ago so it was probably best. This morning I ran ~5mi, up to the RR bridge just past Girard Ave and back down 22nd to Pine St (I find that if I hit a red light within a few blocks of home, it's really hard to motivate to run it in... have to work on that).

The trail is jam packed with bikers, bladers, and runners, even at 6.30am. I miss the wooded river trails on the Isère. It made me a little slower--like many people, I start running faster, often without realizing I'm doing so, when others are around--but it was nice to have the solitude. And how I miss seeing the sun breaking ove the Belledone range, lighting up the ridge of the Vercors and the overhang of the Chartreuse with brilliant white light. 

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