Wednesday, May 03, 2006


Ran a little over 35 on the west river trail as the sunset over the Vercors. It is a beautiful spring night, and just perfect for running--hot enough so you break a sweat (I love feeling like I'm working; there's nothing worse than running in the winter and coming back feeling drier than when you went out) but not so much that you overheat. I felt like crap though. I think Monday's hills and yesterday's lunges/run/jumprope killed my legs. The first ten minutes were absolute crap and the only thing keeping me going was my iPod. Things clicked just around the turnaround and I was feeling good once I got past the gravely bit of the trail (always hard to run on, so slippery and shifty) when around 27 minutes I opened my mouth to take a deep breath and swallowed half a cloud of gnats. On the one hand, I appreciate the extra protein, but on the other hand, yuck! After spitting out all my saliva (and, I hope, most of the bugs) I made it the rest of the way home, albeit with a very dry mouth.

1 comment:

Peter said...

lol, I have done that before on the minesfalls trails, not cool.