Tuesday, May 09, 2006

3 and a bit

Tuesdays and Thursdays are a little boring with this training plan: around 3mi, easy pace. But today, I was not complaining at the short distance. My left side is a little tight from Sunday. I should have loosened up yesterday but it was busy going to meet Benjamin in city centre. Today the tightness loosened up after .5 mi, so I went almost to the D11 = a little under 4mi. 

The weather is cold and wet and the storm that ripped through last night left fresh snow on all the mountain peaks. I was treated to an amazing sunset on the return leg today--the kind of sunset that you only get after a big storm when blue skies appear just before dusk, and the reds and purples light up the receeding dark storm clouds.

The group I'm visiting at INRIA is doing a 3 day retreat out in the Vercors and I am leaving by bike at 7am tomorrow. I am a little scared. It's only about 40km away, and the biggest single vertical climb is about 1000m from Grenoble to St. Nizier, but it looks like there's a fair amount of snow up on the ridge. This could be an adventure. I am glad I own some ColdGear :-)


Becky said...

Three cheers for UnderArmour!! Hip hip...!!!

Nate Foster said...

Indeed! The ColdGear kept me toasty. Now if only I had a hat to go under my helmet.