Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Promenade des Anglais

Did a shitty pre-sunrise run along the Promenade des Anglais, the long boardwalk that runs along the beach in Nice. Only lasted about 25min, so conservatively, 3mi? I would have liked to go longer, but the trip here was one of the most disorienting trans-Atlantic journeys I've taken in a long time, and both my sleeping and eating schedules are totally out of whack (this used to be old hat for me, shuttling back and forth to London). After my long run on Sunday "The Burn", as Clare calls it, was in full effect, and dinner with Cara (no, not that Cara; more like another C: both are whipsmart, English-majoring, wallet-losing Ephs), lunch with Christoforos (yes, that Christoforos! In the country for a physics conference and to visit Emma friends), and multi-meals on Air France (Delta ticket, Air France flight; take that Fly America Act!) only put a small dent in my appetite. Finally got some food in Nice on Tuesday afternoon, but a late night hacking slides on Sunday plus a screaming baby on the flight led to me crashing sans diner yesterday evening. So I'm chalking up the lack of energy to a lack of sleep and calories. POPL is great; I'm all rah-rah research again.

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