Tuesday, January 09, 2007

East Falls, Pottruck

See, now this is why I never did my leg lifting workouts---it's hard to motivate the next day when your muscles are all stiff! But my approach---skipping them---is not the solution. Better to just do them and eventually they'll stop hurting so much.

Unlike last semester, Tuesdays are my empty day, and I plan to work from CC if I can avoid getting sucked onto campus for faculty hiring talks, colloquia, etc. Today I woke up @ 7, got the TOPLAS final version done in the morning, hacked on PLAN-X slides a bit until lunch, took a nap, and set out from home for East Falls around 4.30. Kept the pace easy; my legs were whining until around the Girard St bridge. The middle half was better, and the last bit from US Grant to 36th & Walnut almost felt good. Finished with a quick upper body circuit (bench, row, raises) at Pottruck.

Still not sure what to do with myself sans programme de formation. So far I've been trying to organize each week with one each of a long run (~90 minutes+), a sort-of long run (7+ miles), and a hard day or speedwork, three whatever-I-feel like days, and a day of rest or cross-training. So basically just doing the easy weeks in the middle of marathon training. But it's getting monotonous. Maybe the bike and pool are the solutions.

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