Sunday, December 17, 2006

The Loop

Ran the loop with Blitzer on a stomach full of beer and whiskey (hey, carbs right?). Clare came too (!) and finished the whole thing--a little slower, but freaking impressive for someone who doesn't run long often. The weather is unseasonably warm and everyone was out: saw Tom from DB group, Profs Ungar and Weinstein, Kilian and Colin, and I think I saw Kate zoom by on her bike right at the East Falls bridge. The pace was easy for most of it, but he started to fade a bit on the back half so I asked him if he mided if I kicked it up for the last bit. Ran a good 1.5mi stretch in from Columbia to Lloyd Hall, which, after putting 8mi in to start, left me feeling good and worked out.

It feels good to be getting some miles in again. This was my first week with two 10mi+ runs since November and up above 35 for the week.

I'm looking forward to our bike ride to Bal'mer on Tuesday... I'm now the proud owner of this topo map.

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