Thursday, September 13, 2007

Well shit dogg...

I was supposed to meet Pete and Marianne for dinner + pesoi, so did a quick workout at NYSC Hawthorne instead of going outside (which would have been fantastic on this crisp fall day). I was even stiffer today, so did a nice long (3mi) warmup in 22 flat, then 5x800s at around 3:15 pace, then a quick upper body. Was ready to bike down to Dobbs, but Pete's car crapped out on I-287, so he had to cancel! Shit indeed.

ps. Beeauuteeeful new orange and black 2120s arrived today!! They are noticably lighter than previous models, and supposedly stiffer. I loved the 2100s I owned, and the 2110s have always seemed squishy to me. Hoping these are like that first pair.

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