Sunday, September 16, 2007

Birthday Weekend

Had a fabulous birthday weekend in Tarrytown.

Friday night DNR: wanted to take a rest day with the weekend I had planned, and was throwing a dinner party for John, Bill+Jeri, and Katie.

Saturday: Long run down to The Bronx. New shoes are awesome! I think it was 17-18mi, and except for some annoying heartburn in the first 5mi, I wasn't even tired until 2hrs in. Discovered The Right Way through Yonkers, and the Old Put trail. Great stuff.

Sunday: woke up early and did the Golden Apple ride with the Westchester Cycling Club. Total mileage for the day was 94: 19 getting to/from White Plains to catch the other arm of MetroNorth, and 75mi on the ride.

Now, as per usual, tea, radio, and refueling.

Did I mention the new shoes are awesome?

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