Yesterday was 4mi in 28 something.
Today should have been a rest day, but I was feeling antsy... and ansty I was: 3mi in 19:53. Then some elliptical to cool down.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
A Weekend in Charm City
Friday: snuck in a cheeky 3 @ NYSC before catching train to Baltimore.
Saturday: was really, really tight. Did the start of the trail loop up behind the zoo, but was really struggling so turned around and finished around the Dru Hill reservoir. Maybe 5mi, maybe.
Sunday: 12mi along NCRT @ Gunpowder Falls SP. 45min out on the nose, 43min on the return. Felt strong, wanted to do more (tapering = sucky).
Monday: 5mi @ NYSC, full leg lifting circuit.
Saturday: was really, really tight. Did the start of the trail loop up behind the zoo, but was really struggling so turned around and finished around the Dru Hill reservoir. Maybe 5mi, maybe.
Sunday: 12mi along NCRT @ Gunpowder Falls SP. 45min out on the nose, 43min on the return. Felt strong, wanted to do more (tapering = sucky).
Monday: 5mi @ NYSC, full leg lifting circuit.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Evening Speed
Did my "speedwork", tho' on the 'mill: 2mi warmup in 14:30, then 8x800s at 9.5-9.9. Absolutely knackered now.
On biking...

I took the longer (10mi) route to work this morning. I wish I could spare the time to do it every day. The weather is so fantastic right now--crisp and autumny (although it's supposed to hit 80 again today)--and it's nice to get off the busy roads.
Just out of curiosity, I plotted the profile of the first hill on my normal climb out of Tarrytown. It's short, but kind of steep (about 8% average grade for the first mile; the steep bits are 15%+!)
Main St Irvington
Wanted to keep today easy. Came home straight after work to try to catch the end of the sun, and set out over the Tappan Zee ramp to the OCA South. Turned onto the trail at Lyndhurst (and clicked on my headlamp--it was dark already), and followed the dirt to Irvington Main St. At Irvington, I looped back and returned on Broadway. Picked it up a bit on the way home, and really picked it up for the last .5 mile. 24min out, 20.5min in for just under 45min total.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Ran 8mi @ NYSC Hawthorne. Started at 7:30 pace, and went slowly up the ladder to 6:44 during the first 6. Kicked it up for the last two miles and finished in 57min = 7:07 pace. Jogged an easy .5mi cooldown. The shoes? Still awesome.
Monday, September 17, 2007
A weird workout at NYSC. Was going to do 8, but it was clear after a few minutes that my legs weren't up for that. So I shortened to 3mi warmup in 22 even, then 3x1mi at 6:40, 6:30, and 6:20 with ~1min recovery between... enough to break a sweat. Then lifted upper body.
(The shoes are still awesome.)
(The shoes are still awesome.)
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Birthday Weekend
Had a fabulous birthday weekend in Tarrytown.
Friday night DNR: wanted to take a rest day with the weekend I had planned, and was throwing a dinner party for John, Bill+Jeri, and Katie.
Saturday: Long run down to The Bronx. New shoes are awesome! I think it was 17-18mi, and except for some annoying heartburn in the first 5mi, I wasn't even tired until 2hrs in. Discovered The Right Way through Yonkers, and the Old Put trail. Great stuff.
Sunday: woke up early and did the Golden Apple ride with the Westchester Cycling Club. Total mileage for the day was 94: 19 getting to/from White Plains to catch the other arm of MetroNorth, and 75mi on the ride.
Now, as per usual, tea, radio, and refueling.
Did I mention the new shoes are awesome?
Friday night DNR: wanted to take a rest day with the weekend I had planned, and was throwing a dinner party for John, Bill+Jeri, and Katie.
Saturday: Long run down to The Bronx. New shoes are awesome! I think it was 17-18mi, and except for some annoying heartburn in the first 5mi, I wasn't even tired until 2hrs in. Discovered The Right Way through Yonkers, and the Old Put trail. Great stuff.
Sunday: woke up early and did the Golden Apple ride with the Westchester Cycling Club. Total mileage for the day was 94: 19 getting to/from White Plains to catch the other arm of MetroNorth, and 75mi on the ride.
Now, as per usual, tea, radio, and refueling.
Did I mention the new shoes are awesome?
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Well shit dogg...

I was supposed to meet Pete and Marianne for dinner + pesoi, so did a quick workout at NYSC Hawthorne instead of going outside (which would have been fantastic on this crisp fall day). I was even stiffer today, so did a nice long (3mi) warmup in 22 flat, then 5x800s at around 3:15 pace, then a quick upper body. Was ready to bike down to Dobbs, but Pete's car crapped out on I-287, so he had to cancel! Shit indeed.
ps. Beeauuteeeful new orange and black 2120s arrived today!! They are noticably lighter than previous models, and supposedly stiffer. I loved the 2100s I owned, and the 2110s have always seemed squishy to me. Hoping these are like that first pair.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
NYSC, Irvington
Sunday, September 09, 2007
T-minus 4 weeks

Finally getting my butt in gear, just in time to ... taper. Hrm. This race will be interesting.
Monday: had C drop me at Cook County and ran back to her place via UIC and Halsted. A nice 5-6mi recovery run.
Tuesday: zonked from the early AM flight back to NYC; worked late and got home after dark. Took my headlamp and ran to Lyndhurst, which I think is around 3.5mi at a pretty good pace, but still a bit shorter than I would have liked.
Wednesday: can't remember. I think I did 5mi at NYSC?
Thursday: also at NYSC. 4 or 5mi.
Friday: same 3mi out-and-back as on Tuesday.
Saturday: OCA to Rockefeller State Preserve. Got lost, so have no idea which trails I was on, but the run was about 50min, so hopefully 6-7mi.
Sunday: ran OCA south from Tarrytown to the Bronx. By my watch, and this crude map, around 16mi.
Debrief: well, I didn't break 50mi this week. Honestly didn't have the time to get in any quality workouts during the week and some weeks will be like that. On the other hand, the long run was easy this week (at least, compared to last week's bonk.)
Monday, September 03, 2007
Another big catch up
Let's see... I can't actually remember all the way back to this last post. I think I did 7mi on one day, and one day of speedwork (something like 2mi warmup, 6x800s @ 3.15ish, 1mi cooldown). I ran every other day that week, but none were remarkable. Weekend was Colin's wedding and DNR either day, although was in Boston near first love (the Charles) and would have been great to say hello to her (her? are rivers feminine?)
Last week was a blur. 5mi on Monday, 5 more on Tuesday, I think I did 8 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday, and only had time to sneak in 2 on Friday before rushing off to JFK. Friday in ChicagoLand did the SurfHaus <-> Bean Loop, Saturday did 5-6ish down to Oak St Beach, and today did a 2h20m long run. Not exactly sure of the distance--I bonked in the Loop on the way home so didn't finish what I'd planned. But I think 17 or so?
And now, enjoying a breezy Sunday evening in the SurfHaus with SymphonyCast, chicken/portobello/marsala thingee, Tita's fabulous squash salad, good tea, and some rest. What's missing is C: she is covering nights this month ...and also Sundays, and so is at the hospital all night.
Last week was a blur. 5mi on Monday, 5 more on Tuesday, I think I did 8 on Wednesday, 4 on Thursday, and only had time to sneak in 2 on Friday before rushing off to JFK. Friday in ChicagoLand did the SurfHaus <-> Bean Loop, Saturday did 5-6ish down to Oak St Beach, and today did a 2h20m long run. Not exactly sure of the distance--I bonked in the Loop on the way home so didn't finish what I'd planned. But I think 17 or so?
And now, enjoying a breezy Sunday evening in the SurfHaus with SymphonyCast, chicken/portobello/marsala thingee, Tita's fabulous squash salad, good tea, and some rest. What's missing is C: she is covering nights this month ...and also Sundays, and so is at the hospital all night.