Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Foster Family Fun Ride

Yesterday: post-marathon + travel to Colorado meant no exercise.

Today: Mom and I woke up and did a walk up a hill to get a view of the town and the front rance. Then she went to pick up the girls from Denver. When they returned we, what else, clad ourselves in lycra and set out for a bike ride. Mom and I had to ride the heavy mountain bikes, because EP broke his titanium frame on their trip to the Pyrenees a couple of months ago so the family livery is down to (gasp!) "only" 7 bikes (this for two people, mind you). We did about 20 miles, not sure about the time; something more than an hour, less than 90 minutes. Some photos above (yes, we're not sure what Clare is doing in the one).

Legs feel good now, I might try a run tomorrow morning. The trail along the river near the university is beautiful.

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