Sunday, November 19, 2006

3h30m57s bitches...

This may sound obvious, but that was the most physically demanding thing I've ever done (e.g., Alpe d'Huez was a cakewalk in comparison). Saw a few people at the start: big Doug from volleyball (who I saw through most of the first 15mi as he was on his bike chasing his gf and snapping photos), Matt (he lives!) and Mary, and a woman holding a big 'Williams' banner.

As expected, first mile was slow with the bunched start, but it spread out pretty quickly. Was just above 8min/mi pace at 10mi, right at it at 20mi (including one pitstop at 18mi, and not a pee break; I must figure out this pre-race diet thing better), everything was going well down the hill into Manayunk and back up, and then around 22-23mi, it was Nate, meet wall. And what a wall. Miles 23 and 24 felt like they'd never end. I was turning my legs over as fast as they'd go, but my stride was about 1ft long. Number 25 was better just because I was nearing boathouse row and knew it'd be all over soon. Number 26.2 I somehow pulled it together to charge up the little rise near the museum and sprint through the chute. Or at least that's what it felt like. I felt like I was flying, and was passing people, but I was probably running at around 6mph.

Definitely a unique experience, and it won't be my last one (though maybe my last Philly; spectators really give a boost and with the exception of a little street party in Manayunk, most of miles 8-25.5 are quiet, deserted miles.)

A full blow-by-blow to come later.

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