Thursday, October 05, 2006

Speed, Hot Hot Heat.

Thursday is speed day, although I haven't been doing my workouts very dilligently. My typical week for the last little while has seen my long run get pushed back to Monday or Tuesday, and then everything just stacks up behind it. Well, finally, everything fell into place. 1.5mi warmup, 5x800m: first 400m at about 6:15 pace, then took it down to 6:05 or 6:00 depending on how the set was going, with 1:30 recovery in between. After this thing is over, I think I'm going to train for some 5 and 10Ks in the spring. I like these workouts better.

Oh, and this pisses me off. When the Yankees win, it's 'this is what happens when the varsity playing the jv'; when the Tigers bring the heat its 'yanks beat themselves'?

Blech. Who care's what stupid sports writers think. Go Tigers, let's shut them all up by wrapping this thing up in Detroit.

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