Monday, June 11, 2007

Catching Up

Been to Chicago and back in the last week.

Tuesday: woke up at 6 and did a 4mi run before packing up Cara's stuff onto a Penske truck; also did an afternoon 3 at Pottruck.

Wednesday: was zonked after driving through the night to Michigan. DNR.

Thursday: Ran in Chicago from SurfHaus down to the LaSalle Bridge and back. I think this was 5-6 miles.

Friday: Antsy for a longer run. Did 9.25mi down to the Bean and back.

Saturday: Did a quick 4.5mi run around Belmont Harbor

Sunday: Ran long (1h20m), 11.3mi up to Foster Ave, then back down to Grant Park where met Cara and Julie for Chicago Blues Festival.

Monday: Legs were sore. Did an easy 2.5 on the treadmill, then 15min on the bike. Hoping for Strawberry Mansion tomorrow.

17 weeks to Chicago. Back on the Higdon program now.

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