Friday, March 31, 2006

Quick One

Ran just over 4 miles (if GMaps is accurate! I wish Mappy had a pedometer!) at a hair faster than 6:45 pace, for 27:50 total. This time I was faster going out (13:38) than coming in (what's that leave, 14:12?). It was a beautiful, crisp late spring evening. Maybe I was distracted by the beautiful view of the sunset over the mountains behind Grenoble on the way in?

Tomorrow I launch Operation Vèlo. The local cycling club is having a huge bike sale down at the high school so I'm going to take my 50 euro and see if I can find a scrappy road bike to toot around on for a few months. I'd like to have something light enough to do some of the local climbs. The Tour goes just south of here in July and it'd be fun to go ride on some of the same roads. (Alpe d'Huez is only 65km from here, but I don't think I dare...) Is it silly that my helmet cost ~3X more than either of my bikes will be worth?


kate said...

the Alpe d'Huez?! how COOL would that be!!!

Nate Foster said...

Yeah so apparently it's not actually so impossible. The climb itself is steep (8% grade) but short (14km). The tour riders finish it in 40 minutes. Of course, if I have to cycle 50km over to it and back, it might take a few minutes longer than that ;-)