Saturday, March 04, 2006

Not a slacker

I'm not actually as much of a slacker as this blog suggests. I was working on this and only slept 4 hours on Tuesday night and 3 on Wednesday. Then I slept all day Thursday and 10 hours on Thursday night. But didn't have time to blog. Anyays, here's the rest of my week.

Tuesday: ate at Rembrandt's with Mike, Meredith, and C in lieu of workout.

Wednseday: Ran 4mi with C @ Pottruck. Was a zombie. Hadn't slept, hadn't eaten, but did 4 miles @ 1.0 incline in ... can't remember but it was around 7min/mile pace.

Thursday: Slept, slept, and slept some more.

Friday: Gym date with C. Ran 4 miles @ 1.0 incline in 26:40 = 6.40min/mile pace; did 3 sets of leg press (15 reps of 255, 255, 275); wrapped up with 3 sets of jumprope circuits (100 jumprope, 20 block jump, 10 attack jumps)

Saturday: did an early morning run on the river with Pavol and Jack's Yacs. About 7.25-7.5 miles up past the rowing shell about 1/2 way to Strawberry Mansion bridge at around 8min/mile pace.



Becky said...

On the contrary, Nate. Sounds like a crapload of excuses to me. Pssh. :)

Seriously, you are a running/working machine!! Keep it up!!

Peter said...

Well Nate I am sad that you won't be joining us for bsr but impressed that you are still keeping such a strict workout regime. I am doing a half-marathon here in hollis in october if you are interested.