Saturday, October 14, 2006

Let's do 10, again

This has been a sparse running week. I guess it's a measure of how far this traning program has come when I did 3x10mi runs and am feeling under-exercised.

Friday: started out down Chestnut to do hill repeats at Lemon Hill. My knee started acting up immediately so I turned around a mile in and went to Hutch to bike; got there arne remembered that they have no good bikes, but then saw Peter, Joe, and Sergei playing volleyball so I went down and played for about 45 minutes. First time in months (and it showed!) This knee thing is bothersome, but still low grade--the pain is low enough that I could just run through it, but I don't want it to get worse. I think I know how to manage it. I just need to be careful to do my stretching, and ice it down after runs. Also my shoes should have about 300mi on them each, but pair #1 feel dead while pair #2 feel ok. I just got my new pair in the mail this week, so I think I'll rotate them in right now and rotate the dead ones out. Also, no more long runs on treadmills. My knee always hurts after those, but not so much after running on pavement/trails. Or if I need to take some more days off, I can lose some of the 4-5mi recovery days and just do the longer runs.

Saturday: woke up early and ran Strawberry Mansion. I was ready go to at 6.50 but decided to wait for the sun to rise a little higher and burn off more of the frost. Finally left the house around 7.45. Beautiful morning for running and the drives are shut down for some regatta so had the pleasure of running sans cars.

Now off to NYC for the Morikawa wedding!

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