Thursday, June 08, 2006


I'm deferring a full write-up for another day. For now, here are some photos from last week's bike ride in the Vercors. Am still hoping for good weather and a go at Alpe d'Huez this weekend.

Yesterday, I got back to the running grind: 7.75 miles on the river. Ordering two pairs of new 2110s for summer running in Philly. I've been wearing the ones I've been running on here all the time. They never really get a chance to dry out and have gone dead very quickly (just 3 months). I'm getting all kinds of aches and pains in my calves, joints, etc. No good!

1 comment:

kate said...

jan!!!! yay!
what a gorgeous view...if that doesn't do wonders for your motivation, what will!