Sunday, December 30, 2007


Yesterday: 3mi on the crappy basement treadmill.

Today: briefly back in Philly before shipping out to POPL in San Francisco. Strawberry Mansion loop (home -> Pottruck), which is evidently 10.5mi. Then lifted upper body.

Friday, December 28, 2007

More from BMore

Chrisssssmas!: 4mi Inner Harbor loop.

Boxing Day: DNR

Dec 27: 4.5mi at Tita's swanky gym, full leg circuit, ran home (another 2.5)

Dec 28: Just under 8mi on the NCRT from Monkton.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Baltimore Holiday

Friday: DNR

Saturday: 52min run in Robert E Lee Park

Sunday Morning: 4mi run around Dru Hill Reservoir, fast.

Sunday Night: 8mi run (shown) behind Zoo, through Hampden with Clare.

Monday: 55min run down towards Fort.

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Columbia Bridge

Ran this 8mi loop in just a few ticks over an hour. It was an ideal day for running: sunny, breezy, mid 40s. Kicked it up a little for the two of the measured miles down W River Dr--those two miles 6:50 and 6:40--and otherwise ran at a very comfortable pace.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Strawberry Mansion

Last run with Blitzer of '07. Strawberry mansion loop, "conversational" pace, around 10 miles, about 1h20m.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

It's cold yo.

More specifically, my room is cold. I hate using the extra electricity to power my space heater, so I throw on fleecy pants, a heavy sweatshirt, and big rag socks. But then I get changed to run and I'm already chilled. Mainlining tea is the only solution.

Ran Sweetbriar loop to Pottruck (via Mantua), then 2mi on the 'mill. So 7 miles total?

Monday, December 17, 2007


My last sprint to the finish was camera-ready for PLAN-X. It knocked me out pretty bad. I snuck to Pottruck and ran 3mi on the treadmill on Friday in an effort to get some energy for one last read-through, but wasn't feeling it.

In Baltimore this weekend I slept something like 32hrs: 10 on Friday night, 3hr nap on Saturday, another 11hrs on Saturday, another 4hr nap on Sunday evening, and 5hrs last night. I guess I was tired. Ran 4mi (Dru Hill loop) on Sunday night and 4mi at Pottruck in Philly this morning and another 4mi this evening.

Thursday, December 13, 2007


The numbers: 2mi warmup (very easy, with strides at the end of every .5mi) in 14:3x; 5x800m at 9.4-10mph with 1min walk, 1.5min jog to recover; 5min cooldown = 49 minutes total, 6.3mi. 15min easy bike cooldown.


First, the running: 6.8mi on the Sweetbriar / Girard / Lemon Hill Loop from Pottruck, back via 22nd St to Walnut. 20min on the bike to cool down. Second, the photos (clockwise from top left): new running gadget ($28 at REI outlet; couldn't pass it up at that price!), Philly finish photo, map of tonight's run, salty/goose poo-y tights from last week.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Morning: 4mi easy run to Lloyd Hall and back. 4mi

Evening: 3mi on treadmill, first half easy, second half progression up to 6:30 pace. Total 21:1x. Full leg lifting circuit.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Wet one

Ran a cold, wet Sweetbriar loop from Pottruck; back via Mantua. 5mi total. Then did 2mi fast (13:2x) on the 'mill.

Sunday, December 09, 2007


Saturday: something close to 11mi, "hilly" (for Philly) run through W Fairmount Park. Home to Kimmel (where I got the *last* ticket for Hélène Grimaud!)

Sunday: 5mi on Pottruck 'mill.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Happy Hour

I used to joke to Cara2 about "My Happy Hour" on Fridays: i.e., while everyone else boozes up, I'm be out running or biking. I put on the ColdGear and had a nice Happy 53 minutes out to the Columbia Bridge and back = 7 1/4 miles.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Slow beast

Somehow, I have been a publishing like a beast. POPL, PADL, PLAN-X, IEEE DEBull in the last few months, and PODS submitted late last night. The running has suffered this week due to the sprint to the latest deadline, but I suppose that's OK. No racing until spring anyways, so the New Plan can wait a few days.

Today: 4mi on the 'mill in 28 sumpin-sumpin. 5min bike cooldown.

I really really want to run outside tomorrow AM.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Chug chug

PODS almost done. Snuck in another 3mi at Pottruck. Looking forward to a longer run on Thursday.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007


Still cranking on PODS.

Snuck to Pottruck for 4.5 on the 'mill.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


Thursday: Pigs won in semis, then lost in the finals 2-1 :(. Jerky refs missed a HUGE call in game 3. Boo.

Friday: Down at UMd and DNR.

Saturday: Did 5-6mi in the Wissahickon with KT.

Sunday: 40min on the treadmill (=5.6x mi), 20min on stepper.

Back in writing mode: the PODS deadline is Wednesday.